Does Life Sometimes Drive You Crazy?
Consider looking at your life as a day-to-day journey.
- What does that journey look like for you? Does it usually feel smooth or is it sometimes bumpy when you feel confused when you have to make a difficult decision?
- Do you sometimes ‘go with the flow’ when making a choice vs stand up for yourself?
- Do you wonder, afterwards, if you made the best decision?
Want to learn how to reach your goals more easily (Ericka, should I keep this 2nd part in:) while being respectful of others on their journey?
Ready to shift from being a ‘ReaCtor‘ to a ‘Creator‘ of your life? You can do so by shifting the ‘C’ from the middle of the word ‘reactor‘ to the first position as it is in the word ‘Creator‘.
There is an easy way to be the Creator or driver of your life!
To learn how to stand up for yourself calmly and confidently, join us in our workshop…
Driving Through Life Successfully
What You Will Learn in This Workshop:
- 5 Warning Signs that You are Living Reactively.
- 5 Insightful Ways to See the Big Picture in Any Situation.
- 5 Ways that Link Driving Safely to Living Ethically Prosperous.
- 5 Steps to Travel Safely through the Virtual Intersections of Your Life.
- 5 Keys to Developing 20/20 Foresight to Plan for Long-term Success.
Benefits You Can Enjoy from this Workshop:
- Replace Confusion and Doubt with Clarity and Decisiveness.
- Increased Trust from Others in You….Personally and Professionally.
- Feeling Competent about Managing Stressful Situations Successfully.
- Enjoy a Peaceful Assurance Once You Have a Guide to Navigate
- Successfully through the ‘Virtual Intersections’ (choice points) of Life.
- Restore Your Confidence in Making The Best Possible Decisions.
You’ll also receive a ‘Personal Empowerment Compass‘ and a Prosperity Map to make wise choices or decisions.